Last hurrah in New London

Before I leave New London I wanted one last chance to say farewell.

From all the places I’ve seen and all the things I’ve learned about Connecticut’s whaling city, it would be impossible to fit all of it into this blog, so I decided to make a video:

I went for a jog around the city this afternoon. I stopped at places that are probably not the most popular attractions in the New London visitor’s guide, but they still bring a unique perspective to the city.

One place I visited was the “Dutch Tavern,” a little hole in the wall pub that’s so old, the owners don’t even know what date it was established. “Dutch Tavern” is clearly the oldest bar in New London. It was frequented by many whalers and locals, including playwright Eugene O’Neill.

It seems that everywhere I look there is some reference to the whaling days of old: the houses, museums, street names, festivals and the institutions built on old whaling money that still stand strong today.

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Coffee Shop in New London

There are so many New England towns that celebrate the sea, but New London leaves a distinctly different impression.  At first it seemed bizarre to me that a town would celebrate an archaic industry of hunting whales. But with a better understanding of its history, I learned that New London is a place where heritage has deep roots. Heritage provides a sense of being and identity. The people here are both welcoming and proud to keep their heritage alive, and what better way than to learn than from the past.

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Pretty lights of New London Harbor

Meanwhile back on the ship…

Today was another 12 hour day on the Morgan. The crew and Mystic staff members were busy putting on the finishing touches before we head out tomorrow morning.

Muster comes early at 5 a.m. and then we set sail for our first transit to Newport, RI.

 Thank you for having us, New London. I tip my hat to you.

-The Morgan Stowaway