Looking back at the 38th Voyage-Part 1

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As the 38th Voyage winds down, the hardest question I get as the Morgan Stowaway is “So how was it?”

I’ve seen and experienced some incredible things this summer, so when somebody asks me how the voyage went, I find it difficult to boil it down to a snappy response.

Up until now, the 38th Voyage of the Charles W. Morgan has felt like sprinting a marathon. It has been two months of exhilarating, inspiring, exhausting, important, sleepless, sweaty and spectacular moments, with a free soda thrown in from time to time.

It’s still difficult to put this voyage into perspective. It certainly has changed me. Consider the following:

Yesterday I found a black fly in my coffee. I drank it anyway.

Then I took a shower but forgot my towel, so I dried myself off with my t-shirt. This lifestyle has officially broken me – I think I’ve finally become a sailor.

Yep, I'm officially a sailor. How about that Wolverine hair?

Yep, I’m officially a sailor. How about that Wolverine hair?

To commemorate the 38th Voyage, six crew members got tattoos. Although this voyage has certainly made a lasting impression, I prefer to keep my memories digital, and not inked. But I can’t help but admire their sweet tats!

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For the last few blog posts I want to revisit the voyage highlights. I talked with some crew and Mystic Seaport staff members, and this is what they had to say. Enjoy!

Highlight reel part 2

Stay tuned for part 2.

– Ryan